Here are all the ways we are keeping our chickens and turkeys cook during hot summer days.
Thermometers to know how really hot it is in the chicken yard.
Plenty fresh water to keep everyone hydrated.
Add ice cubes to help cooling down.
Add an electrolyte supplement to the water in order to reduce the effects of heat stress or provide sodium bicarbonate (¼ cup baking soda per gallon of water).
Important: do not put vinegar in their water during hot weather.

Cool and frozen treats. Use low calorie foods to minimize heat in the body.
Plenty of shade from trees, bushes, or shade cloth.
The inside of the coop can be kept cool with a permanent radiant barrier.

Water an area of the yard to provide a cool place to dust bath.

Soaker hose to moisten the soil. It cools the soil and the air when it evaporates (this only works in low humidity climate).
Misters to cool the air.
Timers to control the soaker hoses and misters.

Hose feet when birds are too hot, panting.

If a chicken is becoming lethargic, bring her immediately in a cooler place (ideally with AC). Soak her in a cool basin of water and give her subcutaneous fluids to hydrate her.