Our residents
Rose & Blanche
The "Golden Girls," two charming 12-year-old Ameraucana hens, joined us from a sister sanctuary, where they had been lovingly cared for. Now, as our 39th and 40th permanent residents, Rose and Blanche bring their gentle, wise presence and golden feathers to our flock.
They joined our family on September 2024.​

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis​
Named after the three musketeers, these three hens have been rescued from an egg farm. They each have eye injuries and Aramis had her eye surgically removed.
Despite their terrible past, they are super social and love hanging out with the humans.
They joined our family in August 2023.
Sidonie is the prettiest and the eldest of our flock.
She was about 9 year young and the last survivor of her flock when she joined our flock in September 2023.
Her human mom rescued her from a school project many years ago and loved on her since then. She even postponed her move for her!

Sophie is one of our first turkeys.
She loves cuddles but on her terms, and she will pinch your fingers if you aren't doing it right! She also loves her greens.
She was rescued from a farm on Thanksgiving 2018, and joined our micro-sanctuary with Lucie for the holidays.
Skye is a mama dog rescued from a dog meat farm in South Korea. To follow her on her journey, check her diary.
She joined our family on September 2019.

Sugar is sassy despite being blind from one eye.
She joined our family in June 2018 along with Spunky and Monkey.

In memoriam​
“We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle; easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we would still live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.”
Irving Townsend.
Thyme & Lavender​
Thyme and Lavender are our first rescue hens!
They enjoyed every moment of their new freedom at the maximum. Thyme was always running around, scratching, taking dust bath, eating greens and bugs. She was very social with people and quite bossy with her "sisters".
They changed our life.

Fennel was a very social girl. She loved being petted, and would just sit on our laps and relax. Many came to meet her. For some it was the first time they touched a chicken.
She came to our pet chicken care classes, and showed how chickens are great companion animals.
She also took our dog's place on a visit to a local hospice where she charmed an old lady by sitting an hour on her lap. Actually she captivated the whole facility, staff and patients came to greet her.
She was the perfect ambassadress.
Her short life touched so many.
Charlie is the spark behind Clorofil.
She was severely injured and her keepers didn’t notice it. By the time we took care of her, it was too late and we had to euthanize her.
Her story led us to create our classes to educate and empower keepers to feel confident with the care of their chickens.

Snow White
Snow White is a tiny little white hen with a big bright eye. The other one is hidden under her pale floppy comb.
She is very curious and always greets you with adorable soft clucks.

Tarra had 10 lives. One more than cats!
She first got rescued from a battery cage farm.
She survived a hawk attack.
And then fought bravely a reproductive cancer going through 5 bouts of antibiotics and 3 drainages of her fluid filled belly.
Tarra came to our micro-sanctuary with Marjo.

Maya is a holidays' hen!
She was rescued with Luna on Independence Day and joined our micro-sanctuary on New Year's Eve.
Marjo is a very fashionable hen with a big attitude.
She wears her big comb as a French beret, and despite her small size and having almost no beak, she rules the whole flock.
She is very food motivated and afraid of nothing.
Marjo learned to pick out the queen of hearts from a deck of cards. Watch her. She is quite amazing!
Marjo came from a battery cage farm and joined our flock in January 2015.

Monkey is a sweet hen who loves being around people. She was Spunky's best friend.
Monkey came to our micro-sanctuary with Spunky and Sugar in June 2018.

Curry is a sweet loving spirit. She is very curious and social.
She is missing an eye and cannot see much from the other one, but she developed the ability to navigate quite well just by listening to every sound around her.
Curry comes from a pasture egg farm and joined our family in April 2017.
Luna is our new little ambassadress. She is super social, loves attention and grapes!
Following in Marjo's steps, she learned to pick out the queen of spades from a deck of card. Watch her.
Luna joined our family on New Year's Eve 2017 with Maya.

Sage has been grandfathered into our micro-sanctuary along with Ginger and Poppy. She grew up with Poppy, her BFF.

Sage is the smallest of the Ameraucanas. She is funny looking with her black muff, blond beard, and her tiny askew comb.
She loves announcing very publicly that she laid an egg. And she gets really upset when someone is in her favorite nest when it’s time to lay.

Lucie is one of our two first turkeys.
She adores people's company, and don't hesitate to jump on their lap to get extra attention.
She was rescued from a farm on Thanksgiving 2018, and joined our micro-sanctuary with Sophie for the holidays.

Terra was rescued from an egg farm at the beginning of 2021. Her rescuers immediately noticed blood gushing from her backside and rushed her to the local avian medical center. Her vent and cloaca were torn apart. The medical team was able to stabilize her. The pain prevented her from pushing out feces that ended up being stuck in her cloaca. We kept that area clean hoping the tissue would heal. Unfortunately after 4 weeks, her kidneys failed and we lost her.
Peppa is a little bantam Brahma. She is blind and loves hanging out with people.
Peppa joined our family in August 2018.

Walle is a very curious independent red hen. She goes to summer camps telling kids how cool chickens are. Her best friends are Sophie and Lucie, the turkeys.
Walle came to us after being attacked by a predator in January 2019.

Caramel was Chai's best friend. They got rescued minutes before having their throat sliced thanks to the amazing relation that an animal right activist built with a slaughterhouse manager. They were just pullets.
They got rescued on July 2019, and joined our micro-sanctuary right away.
Fleur is our little grasshopper. She has a broken foot and is missing part of a toe. But it doesn't stop her to explore the world.
Fleur was rescued from a battery cage farm during the Holidays and joined our flock in March 2018.

Iris was rescued in June 2021 from a battery cage farm with Lily. We fostered them with two other hens who eventually got adopted.
She joined our family on November 2021.

Poppy has been grandfathered into our micro-sanctuary along with Ginger and Sage. She grew up with Sage, her BFF.

​Poppy is the biggest of all the hens, and always one of the first to come for treats.
When she was a youngster, she enjoyed chasing squirrels and birds around in the orchard.
Spunky is beautiful and fast. She doesn't like being held. Monkey was her best friend. They used to perch in a tree together until dusk.
They joined our family in June 2018.

Sweetie was rescued in July 2020 from an egg farm. She went to a home but her new flock turned on her, so we took her in to heal her wounds and provide her sanctuary.
Following in Marjo and Luna's steps, she learned to pick out the queen of diamond from a deck of card. Watch her.
She joined our family on May 2021.

Lily was rescued in June 2021 from a battery cage farm with Iris. We fostered them with two other hens who eventually got adopted.
She joined our family on November 2021.
Big Bird​
Big Bird is a big sweet fluffy girl who loves hanging around people when Chai is not around to chase her!
Big Bird came to us after becoming the last member of her flock at the end November 2019.

Summer was found as a stray and was brought to a shelter. She was in a pretty rough shape, full of mites.
She joined our micro-sanctuary in June 2022.

Chai was Caramel's best friend. They got rescued minutes before having their throat sliced thanks to the amazing relation that an animal right activist built with a slaughterhouse manager. They were just pullets.
They got rescued on July 2019, and joined our micro-sanctuary right away.
Keemun has been rescued with Truffle from a pasture egg farm in late 2020. They both have old leg injuries that limit their mobility, and they love hanging out in the run near a feeder.
They joined our family on January 2021.

Addie was rescued at the same time as Sophie and Lucie, but went in another home and didn't like their new rooster. She is clearly the boss and alerts us of anything suspect in the chicken yard!
She joined our family on November 2019.

Ginger has been grandfathered into our micro-sanctuary.
She taught us how awesome chickens are, and how they can be wonderful companion animals.
Ginger is our first hen and lived 14 years with us.
She is quite beautiful with her blond muff and beard, and she knows it! She loves posing for the camera.
When she is molting, she gets very grumpy and wants to roost in the trees instead of going back into the coop at night.

Truffle has been rescued with Keemun from a pasture egg farm in late 2020. They both have old leg injuries that limit their mobility, and they love hanging out in the run near a feeder.
They joined our family on January 2021.